Is the mask working?



I work in customer service. So all day long I talk to strangers. Unfortunately, my job requires listening to sad, sometimes horrific, stories all day long. Lucky for me I’m good at being empathetic. I am always kind and patient and understanding with the phone calls I get.

Every day, around 2:30 I start to feel restless. I’ve taken a lunch already so it’s not about needing to get out of the building. Today I realized what it was.

Pretending to be in a good mood all day long, and being immersed into some of the saddest things I’ve ever heard, it drains me. Mentally, physically, emotionally. By the end of the day I don’t want anyone to talk to me or even acknowledge me. I just want to go home, lay in bed, and watch Netflix until I fall asleep. (If Netflix binging was an olympic sport…you might as well call me Michael Phelps.)

I’ve always cared more about everyone else around me more than myself. Whether I know you very well or not I’m going to try to make you smile and try to make my mark on you. One of my biggest fears is leaving this earth without making an impression on anyone outside of my family. And I don’t mean “Yeah, I knew her in high school, she was always really nice.” I want to make a difference in someones life. I think that’s also part of the reason I crave everyone else’s approval so badly.

I don’t believe that I am special enough to mean the world to someone. Even my boyfriend, who assures me all the time that he would do anything in the world for me. I just have a hard time believing it. Why would you love me so much? There’s nothing special about me. One phrase I’ve used to describe myself as of late is “overwhelmingly simple”, and it makes me dislike myself even more every time I realize how true it is.

Maybe that’s why I try so hard. Because I know how true it is, and I don’t want everyone else to realize that its true.




To quit or not to quit: the anti-depressant dilemma



About 9 months ago I admitted I was depressed. 6 months ago I started seeing a therapist. 4 months ago I started the first anti depressant I’ve ever taken. I’ve taken anti anxiety meds before, but only for a month because I hated how I felt. I was against anti depressants at first, but my therapist thought they would help so I said why not.

Can I just say, I have always been a very sexual person. My boyfriend and I have been together for a long time and we have the best sexual chemistry I could ever imagine. But about 2 weeks after I started taking the meds, sex was the last thing I ever thought about. My boyfriend (we’ll call him Phox) tried to be patient with me, but the contrast between my constant attempts to have sex daily to barely wanting him to even touch me once a week.. he felt like I had turned into a different person.

He was right.

Every day I go through the motions on autopilot. I don’t even remember my work days, or driving, or even having sex with Phox. It makes me sad. I’ve always been a happy person, or so I thought. Ignorance is bliss, right?

Here’s my dilemma: On the meds, I’m a zombie. I think about killing myself pretty regularly, and that thought has never crossed my mind before.. And it scares the shit out of me. Off the meds, I’m manic. My anxiety is through the roof, I cry at the drop of a hat, I will go shopping on my lunch break the day I get paid and spend my ENTIRE CHECK in one store and think nothing about it. Either way, it’s not good for me.

I’ve been debating just stopping the meds, just flush them and move on. But the very small logical portion of my brain shouts at me “DON’T YOU DARE. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT COULD HAPPEN. WAIT AND TALK TO YOUR THERAPIST.” The impulsive part of my brain says “eh, you’ll get over it.”

So basically its this:

Stay on the anti depressants for at least 5 more weeks until I see my psychiatrist and he sets me on a plan to taper off, and risk more suicidal thoughts, self hatred, and no sex drive. (Petty, I know)

Stop taking the anti depressants cold turkey, risk the horrible side effects that I’ve been reading about, make my anxiety ten times worse, and be my crazy manic self that can’t take care of herself.

All aboard the struggle bus.




via Daily Prompt: Dilemma

The Freedom of Letting Go

Insane Roots

I would like to talk about a sensitive subject today. It is something that I have been battling with for many years and I finally feel as though I found the missing piece of the puzzle. How many of you out there have something about yourself you are not happy with? For quite a few of us, the list may not be a short one. I am mostly referring to ones self image. Either way, I am sure you will agree that the constant fixation on it can be at times mentally debilitating.

When it comes to the type of person I am, I have extreme confidence that I am a good person, with good intentions and a kind heart. Yet despite this, there are many physical attributes that I spent years struggling to come to terms with. How about you?

It all began in the 5th grade, when aโ€ฆ

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Generosity; the quality of being kind and generous.

When I think of the word generous, I think of selflessness. Which is strange because I’ve never been a selfless or generous person. Unfortunately my generation is the entitled generation. We all believe we should get what we want, when we want it, no matter what. I’m horrible about putting my own needs above everyone else’s, especially the ones I love. My boyfriend has always told me I have no self control, and he’s right. The interesting thing is, I try really hard to come across as a generous selfless person. Like to the point where I feel like everyone around me doesn’t know the real me.

To me, being generous is more than giving material items. It’s giving your heart and soul away, little pieces here and there. Or even doing something good, not good for you, good for others.

I am a kind person, and I genuinely care about the people in my life. But I don’t know how to balance caring for my loved ones so strongly and trying to love myself and be generous to my heart and soul. Ever heard the phrase “You can’t pour from am empty glass”? I am always pouring from an empty glass.

I want to show myself generosity. The only way I can be generous towards others is to start with fulfilling myself.

Step 1: Spend time with myself. Try to learn the inner workings of my mind, what makes me tick, and what makes me better.

Thanks for reading.

via Daily Prompt: Generous

First things first

I’ve never really seen myself as someone who was good at much. Especially writing. But I figured I would give it a shot. Please if this strikes a chord with you, share it, let me know. I would love to hear I’m not alone. Anyway, here goes.

So when I was in like the 4th or 5th grade I got a gift card to Toys ‘R Us. Being a 10 year old I was obviously too cool for anymore barbies (but damnit they were always so pretty), I ended up looking at the clothing section. I found this cute little vermilion colored dress with flowers all over. It had 3/4 length peasant sleeves with slits down the outside. So presh. My hairstyle around this age, had a Carol Brady esque look to it, but softer and toned down. I don’t remember much else about that outfit, but I’m fairly certain I wore it with jeans..boot cut of course, the dress was a little too short if I remember correctly. I was so excited to go to school and show off my cute new outfit. I had probably been at school for an hour when these two boys in my class made fun of my outfit and said it looked like I was wearing a “babies dress” and how ugly it was. (These two boys bullied me from 3rd to 6th grade.) I pretended I was sick and went to the office, looked through the lost and found and grabbed a Nike sweatshirt and wore that all day. When I got home I cut up the dress.

That’s the earliest memory I have of hating the way I looked and wishing I was someone different. Though definitely not the last or the scariest.

I come from the south. That’s all that matters. My parents divorced when I was young. And I grew up with my siblings. Let’s put it this way, I had to grow up really fast for a lot of different reasons. I used to always feel a lot older than my friends, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve been feeling younger and less successful than almost everyone I know. I’ve done pretty well for myself considering I’m in my mid twenties.

I’ve always tried to use fashion as an outlet. I can put together some cute outfits sometimes, like really ๐Ÿ˜‰. But I also have days where I cant figure a damn thing out. Nothing seems to look right together and I feel like everything I own is ugly. I worry that everyone around me will think my outfit is awful or that I shouldn’t be wearing a certain type of clothing, or that I look dumpy…like I just rolled out of bed (which I probably did…). Anyway; I have so much anxiety over my self image. I see myself as an overweight girl who’s trying really hard to accept herself. I go through a lot of phases. Punk, preppy, chill, professional, you name it. I experiment with every aspect of my look (hair and makeup especially), I feel like the only way my peers will accept me is if I look like I am always 100%. My mind is always fogged and ultimately unaware of what is going on. I try so hard to be present and be a better person and friend but I always feel like I’ve failed.

I’m writing this, because I guess I’m working on self discovery. Everything I’m writing I am writing completely off the top of my head. I need to write it down so I can remember it, and hope to understand why I hate myself so much. Obviously there are a lot of problems and issues I’m leaving out. They don’t matter. I already know those, and I know their role in who I’ve become.

The dictionary describes the word ‘Lonely’ as “without companions; solitary.” Now, I’m a very social person. I’ve always worked with people and have been easy to get along with. But despite that, I have always felt alone. As though no one actually likes me. They’re all just judging me and they feel bad for me because I’m awkward. Or dressed weird, and it goes on and on and on. And I don’t want to bother the people close to me with my fears because they seem so petty. Then, I worry that the people close to me are annoyed with my stories, or ranting, or they just get annoyed by my presence. My everyday constant thought process is; try really hard, do my best, feel proud of myself, worry that I’m making a fool of myself, shut down and say nothing. It’s exhausting.

I’ve always been a seemingly happy person. Anytime people talked about depression, I knew I would never be like that. Because my life was fun. I was fun. I probably didn’t make all of the best decisions, but what else do you expect. When the realization finally hit I decided to combat it. I didn’t want to wallow and be pitiful. But in turn, I end up talking A LOT about my realizations, and my course of treatment, and even the things I learned. I hate myself for that. I hate that I dislike myself SO MUCH that I can only feel better from the recognition and attention others give me. I don’t know how to love myself.

I throw myself into everything. I leap no matter how ominous the valley. And if I start to fall I literally pull solutions out of thin air. When it comes to flying by the seat of my pants, I’m a fucking champ. And I hate that. I try and try and try to plan things, even my day to day activities, but I can never stick to a schedule or timeline.

You have to nurture yourself, to nurture others. I try to take care of everyone around me. I’m a nosey person, but I mean well. If I get in your business it’s because I love you. But all of that love and care I’m trying to give out, I can barely function anymore because I’m so drained. I don’t nurture myself. Being irresponsible and not honoring my word to people about the things I will do for them and not doing it…it’s not healthy. I’ve never tried to just focus on myself.

I want to be better. I want to be able to make myself happy without the approval of others. That’s what I’m hoping to learn through this “journey”